Vaginal Mesh Injuries
Another striking example of defective medical products within the medical device industry, has been the use of transvaginal mesh. This product was hailed as a breakthrough medical development in the 1990's, as a way to fix pelvic organ prolapse (POP) in women.

It wasn't. The use of transvaginal mesh has been subsequently documented to cause severe medical complications. As Boston, Massachusetts vaginal mesh injury law firm, we have seen many types of injuries that have resulted from the surgical use of this defective medical product. These injuries include:
- Organ perforation - when the rough edges of the mesh cut through female organs near the vagina
- Mesh contraction, creating vaginal distortion and pain
- Infection
- Abscesses
- Urinary incontinence
If you or someone you care about has been the recipient of transvaginal mesh surgery, contact our offices for a FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION about your situation. Even if you are not experiencing problems or symptoms at present, you may well develop problems in the future. Don't take chances. Call or email our offices now at either Ph.: (617) 285-3600 or Ph.: (781) 320-0062, or email us confidentially by clicking here. We will return your call as soon as possible. If we accept your case, you will owe us absolutely NO FEES unless we recover damages for you.
Injury cases due to defective transvaginal mesh surgery are extremely complex, so whatever action you take, do not consult with a law firm that does not have expertise and extensive experience in litigating these types of cases. It takes far more than an "average lawyer" to successfully litigate such medically complex cases.
There are four types of Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP):
- Cystocele (bladder falls into vagina)
- Enterocele (small intestine falls into vagina)
- Rectocele (rectum falls into vagina)
- Urethrocele (urethra falls into vagina)
- Uterine prolapse (uterus falls into vagina)
- Vaginal vault prolapse (roof of vagina falls into vagina - most commonly occurs after hysterectomy
Severity of Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP) is graded on a scale of 0 to 4 - 0 being the least severe, and 4 being the most severe. You can click here to learn more of these details. Unbelievably, the mesh - which has been successfully used for hernia repairs - was never tested for use in the vagina. The FDA's approval method, dubbed the 510(k), did not require testing of the mesh prior to its marketing to the public.
Doctors have performed more than 75,000 transvaginal mesh prolapse surgeries, to date. Shockingly, more than 10 percent of them failed. Because of that failure, thousands of women needed more surgery, to rectify and reverse the problem.
This type of information is shocking to the average person, but as Boston, Massachusetts vaginal mesh injury lawyers, we've seen this type of regulatory oversight too many times in the past. It's sad, but true. And the result is that innocent people are injured - or die - due to defective medical devices and the negligence of product manufacturers. In legal terms, such defective products fall under the law of product liability in Massachusetts.
To see a topical article that I posted to my Massachusetts Injury Law blog, click here.
Make The Best Choice You Can for Your Boston Vaginal Mesh Surgery Law FirmIf you or someone you care about has received vaginal mesh surgery, contact our offices. We'll provide you with a FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION about your legal options. Remember, you could be free of symptoms right now, but possibly develop problems later. As Boston vaginal mesh surgery lawyers, we can assure you: It is not wise to take chances about such issues. Call or email our offices now at either Ph.: (617) 285-3600 or Ph.: (781) 320-0062, or send us a confidential email by clicking here. If we accept your case, you will pay absolutely NO FEES unless we win your case. We know how to very successfully litigate these cases. We have several years of experience and proven talent, and our case successes demonstrate this.
Boston, Massachusetts medical injury lawyer William D. Kickham is a frequent legal commentator and legal analyst for local as well as national media. He has served as a legal commentator on Court TV (now In Session on HLN,) Fox News TV-25/Boston, The Boston Herald, WBZ-AM Radio 1030, WCVB-TV5/Boston, Nightside With Dan Rea, Greater Boston With Emily Rooney, Money Matters Radio/Boston, and The Metro Newspaper/ Boston.
It is a wise choice to put that kind of expertise to work for you.