Distracted Driving Accidents / Cellphone Accidents
Distracted Driving: A Major Traffic Safety Issue.

- According to the National Safety Council, in an average month in the U.S., there are an average of 100,000 motor vehicle crashes involving drivers using cell phones and texting.
- Each year, more than 80% of drivers in the annual AAA Foundation Traffic Safety Culture Index cite distraction as a serious problem and a behavior that makes them feel less safe on the road.
- The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has even proposed a federal ban on all cell phone use and texting while driving.
Driving a car in Massachusetts is a privilege, not a right. If someone has the privilege of driving a car, that person has the responsibility to pay attention and stay focused when driving. However, nowadays, too many people let themselves get distracted when driving - and more often these days, distracted driving is due to call phone use or texting.
Despite the fact that doing either of these things while driving is an invitation to disaster, a stunning amount of drivers continue to do so. Need proof? Just look at other drivers on the road. The odds are you'll find a shockingly high number of Massachusetts drivers who are in some way using a smart phone or cell phone while driving. Surprisingly, this is so even though Massachusetts passed a law recently banning texting and cell phone use while driving. We were the twenty-ninth state in the nation to enact such a ban, but, in our opinion as Boston, Massachusetts distracted driving lawyers, this law doesn't seem to be having much effect in reducing this problem.
Massachusetts Law on Texting/Cell Phone use While DrivingThe Massachusetts Anti-Texting Law, (otherwise known as the "Safe Driving Act,") prohibits texting, emailing, and reading from handheld devices such as smart phones, and devices such as iPads, when driving. Illogically, the law does not ban adult drivers from using cell phones when driving, but does ban Massachusetts teenage drivers under the age of 18 from talking on cell phones, as well as texting, when driving. Apparently, this reflect a legislative concern over Massachusetts teenage driver car accidents but it can make police enforcement a logistical nightmare: Officers and troopers find it difficult to ascertain if an adult driver is texting -- which is illegal -- or dialing the phone -- which remains legal. Federal law already makes it illegal for truck and bus drivers to text while driving. Regardless of whether an adult or teen driver is cited under this law, serious criminal charges can result.
The Dangers of Cellphone use While DrivingTexting or using a cell phone while driving takes the driver's eyes, hands and mind off the road, and creates an EXTREMELY DANGEROUS situation that puts everyone's live at great risk. A recent study conducted by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute found that truck drivers who texted on their cell phones while driving were 23 times more likely to cause accidents than drivers who paid close attention to the road. Other studies have shown that using a cell phone when driving causes the driver to create a safety and accident risk that is roughly equal to a drunk driver. When drivers use their cellphone and take their attention off the road, even for an instant, they can completely become distracted and not be aware of traffic stopping in front of them, leading to Massachusetts rear-end car accidents.
Texting while driving is equally dangerous. Just one second of inattention can cause a driver to not see a pedestrian or bicyclist, resulting in a Massachusetts car-pedestrian accident, or a Massachusetts car-bicycle accident, or to drift into oncoming traffic. Yet federal government statistics show that distracted driving contributes to 16% of all fatal crashes, leading to around 5,000 deaths every year. No matter how much the smart phone companies push these devices, there is no arguing this fact: texting or talking when driving is an extremely irresponsible, selfish and negligent act that jeopardizes the safety and the very lives of everyone around that driver - motorists and pedestrians alike.
If you want a real-life example of what can happen when a driver's attention is distracted for just a couple of seconds, click on this You Tube Video.
What Kinds of Damages Can I Receive If I've Been Injured by a Distracted Driver in Massachusetts?Aside from criminal penalties for distracted drivers, the civil liability laws that apply to Massachusetts texting while driving accidents, are the same laws that apply to other Massachusetts car accidents Briefly, you may be entitled to recover financial compensation for:
- Medical and hospital bills
- Lost wages and salary
- Physical Therapy
- Pain and Suffering
- Lost Future Earning Capacity
Each case is different, and each set of facts will determine exactly how much financial compensation may be possible. Our experienced Boston, Massachusetts distracted driving accident lawyers can provide you with the expert guidance you need if you've been injured in such an accident.
Make The Best Choice for Your Massachusetts Texting While Driving Accident LawyerOne thing you should know immediately: Whoever hit you will almost certainly be represented by an auto insurance company. Auto insurers and their lawyers fight very hard to avoid paying damages to injury victims. If you or someone close to you was injured in a motor vehicle accident that was caused by the other driver texting or using a cell phone while driving, or was otherwise engaged in "distracted driving," you will need a very experienced, very aggressive Boston, Massachusetts cell phone car accident attorney. The Law Offices of William D. Kickham & Associates can help you recover possibly substantial damages for your injuries. Call us at (781) 320-0062 or at (617) 285-3600 to speak with an experienced Boston, Massachusetts texting while driving lawyer. Or click here now to send us a confidential email. We will return your email or call promptly and offer you a FREE CONSULTATION.
As Boston, Massachusetts car accident lawyers, our Boston, Massachusetts distracted driving accident attorneys have a proven record of success obtaining substantial legal and financial results for our motor vehicle accident injury clients. We have represented hundreds of Massachusetts car accident victims, and from many years of experience we know how to handle these cases from investigation to conclusion. We build your case for the negotiating room, and the courtroom - and we get very impressive results.
If you or someone you care about has been injured in a Massachusetts distracted driving accident, you're probably confused about how to proceed next. For some immediate help, click here to read our FREE article, "The Top 10 Tips If You Have Suffered An Accident or Injury in Massachusetts." This article has a wealth of valuable information about how you can best protect your legal rights following your injury.
If you've been injured in this kind of accident and need a Boston, Massachusetts distracted driving accident law firm, you have an important decision to make about your choice of law firm and attorney. Don't hire anyone that just handles these cases "occasionally": If you do, you will probably jeopardize your case. Call us at (781) 320-0062 or at (617) 285-3600 to speak with one our experienced lawyers, or email us confidentially.
What About Legal Fees?All our legal fees for accident and injury cases are handled on a Contingent Fee basis . This means that you will not have to pay any money or fees up-front to us, nor will you owe us any fees at all, unless we win your case us unless we obtain compensation for you. You have NOTHING TO LOSE AND EVERYTHING TO GAIN BY CONTACTING US.
Experience and Reputation CountsWe're the law firm that gets results - the best results - for our Boston, Massachusetts cell phone car accident clients. We're known for it. Call us now at (781) 320-0062 or at (617) 285-3600 to speak with us. Or click here to send us a confidential email. We will return your email or call promptly and offer you a FREE CONSULTATION. If you are too injured to come to either our Boston or Westwood, Massachusetts office, we can visit you at your home or hospital.
You might recognize Attorney Kickham's name from TV or newspapers. That's because Attorney William D. Kickham is frequently asked by the media and reporters to give his legal analysis about injury cases to several different newspapers, TV and radio stations. These media outlets include, among others Court TV (now In Session on HLN,) Fox News TV-25/Boston, The Boston Herald, WBZ-AM Radio 1030, WCVB-TV5/Boston, Nightside With Dan Rea, Greater Boston With Emily Rooney, Money Matters Radio/Boston, and The Metro Newspaper/ Boston. The media calls upon Attorney William Kickham because they know he is an expert Boston, Massachusetts car accident attorney.
Put that expertise to work for you. You'll be glad you did.